Nicole from Skin, Shape, Soul is the resource you don't know you need until you find it. I can't even begin to tell you how helpful she has been for so many different aspects of my life. I love her problem solving capabilities and her holistic approach. I could absolutely get lost in the Skin, Shape, Soul instagram page. The recipes are my favorite, but there's also a plethora of information for anyone looking to implement a healthier lifestyle. I would definitely recommend!

-V. Oehm

Nicole assisted us in working to improve my husband’s high cholesterol. Nicole possesses a great wealth of knowledge pertaining to health and nutrition. She can assist you in healing medical conditions using natural methods. Not only is Nicole extremely smart and knowledgeable, but her passion for what she does and her desire to help others is evident from the moment you meet her. I would recommend Nicole to anyone and everyone, she is a rare find and I expect to see her success continue to grow exponentially as she expands her practice even more!


I lost 16 pounds while following a healthy food plan. I learned which foods are healthy to eat and how to read labels on produces. I did not just learn about food; I also learn how to take care of my whole self. I started exercising and meditating to help to care of my whole body. Element Health Solutions was with me the whole time guiding me and teaching me how to live a healthy life. I can not thank them enough.

-J. Wolfe

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Schedule a Coaching Session


Build a Stronger Core from Within

Breath In. Breath Out.

Fill your body with a creative force found in the spaces between.

(Mindfulness & Breathwork Coaching Coming Soon)

Subtle Bodywork in Motion.


Energy Body focused yoga coaching. Private sessions become available in Fall of 2022.


Coaching to help you find your flow state. Resistance transforms into willingness. Goals alchemize into reality.

Balance. Connect.

Intuitive Usui Reiki + Sound Healing Sessions work on the energy body to align and harmonize the flow of chi to both the physical and mental/emotional bodies. It’s important for these planes of consciousness to be balanced. Some benefits include a stronger self realization, improved health and vitality, increased mental clarity, effective relationships, and fulfillment in all areas of life.

Healthy within.

Without the artifical ingredients.


Heal & Grow Together.

Lifestyle Learning


On the gram