Skin care for acne typically adheres to the two main principles of oil control and gentle exfoliation. Oil production is reduced which allows dead skin cells to slough off appropriately, rather than sticking together and backlogging the natural process which can lead to a breakout.

That being said, we never want to overdry or mechanically scrub the skin to exfoliate, because this will incite the main cause - the common denominator of most acne presentations: Inflammation.

Controlling acne is all about maintaining a balance with respect to the skin barrier. If skin becomes too dry with any over the counter (or prescriptive) treatment, consider temporarily following a more gentle, oil free, Rosacea regimen until redness and irritation subside. Make sure you check out this helpful blog post titled Acne 101 to better understand how to effectively use each of the tools in your toolbox and avoid overtreatment and acne flares.